Joseph J Sullivan Productions focus is Feature Films and Streaming Series. The following is a listing of the current projects under development:
Feature Film: An all ages copyrighted original screenplay dealing with nostalgia, the passage of time and the fact that “dreams really never die, life just gets in the way”. Elements will appeal to both older patrons and teens. Currently in Pre-Production, it will be filmed in the Pacific Northwest. Principle Photography is scheduled for 2024. Principle casting primarily in place, announcements will be forthcoming.
Feature Film: An all ages original screenplay addressing commitment, determination, teamwork and love in a High School sports environment. Elements will appeal to athletes and teens. Film in final Development, filming location remains to be determined. Principle Photography is estimated for 2025. Principle casting is underway.
Feature Film: An adult orientated original screenplay, an intense examination of political/personal corruption utilized in a perverse effort to bring about global peace. Screenplay in re-write.
Joseph J Sullivan Productions continues discussions with several bestselling authors, both domestic and international, negotiating production rights for Titles as Feature Films or Streaming Series. Follow this page for upcoming exciting announcements.